AREAA’s members are real estate, mortgage, and housing professionals that serve the diverse Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) market. AREAA is the only trade association dedicated to representing the interests of the AAPI real estate market nationwide and is the largest AAPI organization in North America.

You do not need to be Asian American or Pacific Islander to be an AREAA member! Professionals of all cultural backgrounds who are interested in better supporting and serving the AAPI community and furthering the mission of increasing sustainable AAPI homeownership are welcome to join.

Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) is a nonprofit professional trade organization dedicated to promoting sustainable homeownership opportunities in Asian American communities by creating a powerful national voice for housing and real estate professionals that serve this dynamic market.

You’ll have opportunities to be part of our industry, access to hundreds of events per year, and continue to grow your business through education, networking and getting more involved in your communities.

As an AREAA member, you’ll be one of over 18,000 real estate professionals making substantial Impacts and positive change at the local, regional and national level for AAPIs and the communities they serve. In addition, you will receive membership discounts to local chapter events and two national conferences per year, and FREE webinar training to help fine-tune your skill sets. To get involved in our growing organization, you may join AREAA at

AREAA annual membership is $120, which spans July 1-June 30. You can join at any time in the year and pay a pro-rated amount. Memberships are always set up to auto-renew every July 1st, so there's no lapse in membership. Call or email us to cancel the recurring payment profile at any time.

Yes! As a member of one chapter, you are able to reap the benefits of all chapters!

To cancel your membership, email or call our National office at 619-795-7873


We highly encourage creating a comprehensive and updated profile. Creating a robust profile will allow you to be represented both professionally and individually in your respective market. Below is a step by step guide of how to update your profile.

Step 1: Logging in
Go to At the top right-hand corner, you will see two buttons–click on the “login” button on the top right side.

Step 2: Credentials
Once you click Login, two boxes will appear. You will need to input your login credentials into the left box.

Step 3: Intranet Dashboard
Once you successfully login, the Intranet Dashboard will appear. There are two ways to update your profile.
1. Simply click no the Edit My Profile button as seen below.
2. Go to the membership menu and click on Membership > Edit My Profile.

Step 4: Updating your Profile
Once you click Edit My Profile, you will see a page similar to below. From here you can go ahead and update your profile accordingly. You must fill in the starred fields as a minimum requirement.

Step 5: Save
Once you are done, scroll all the way to the bottom and be sure to save your changes

Step 6: Profile View
When you finish, you will see your profile as illustrated below. You are done!

AREAA chapters are formed by individuals interested in better serving their local Asian American and Pacific Islander community. Local chapters serve as direct lines of communication between the local level to the National level, increasing the membership and strength of AREAA.

If you don’t currently have an AREAA chapter in your area and would like to join in our mission of sustainable AAPI homeownership, you’ve come to the right place. Members interested in forming a new chapter must complete and submit a chapter formation application.

Applications will be reviewed by AREAA national staff and the Chapter Development Committee to evaluate the strength of the proposal's identified member needs, alignment to AREAA’s strategy, and potential impacts to existing AREAA chapters. Completion and submission of an application does not guarantee that AREAA will form the requested chapter. Chapters must have at least nine (9) AREAA members in order to be chartered by AREAA to serve as the founding board of directors. This should consist of much diversity as it pertains to company, position, age, ethnicity, gender etc) Chapter development Committee is also asking for a list of no less than 50 people who has shown interest in joining the AREAA chapter as a member if formed in that area.

Before completing the application, AREAA recommends the review of the following checklist and form to ensure that you have the information you need to begin this process.
Research on the geographic area where you are looking to form a new chapter. Who are the major stakeholders? Is this a new or growing area for AAPIs? Is the area underserved or unserved by existing AREAA chapters or other AAPI organizations?

  • Reach out to related or nearby chapters to talk with the leadership about your aforementioned chapter

  • Identify other members that would support your efforts to form a new chapter. Chapters must have at least nine (9) AREAA members in order to be chartered by AREAA.

  • Prepare your preliminary business case—what needs will the chapter address, and how will this chapter enhance AREAA’s abilities to meet these needs?

The following procedures may be used as a guide in the formation of a Chapter:

1. For individuals who might have an interest in forming a local AREAA chapter, some suggested questions include:

  • Are you interested in the formation of an AREAA chapter?

  • How often, when, and where should meetings and events be held?

  • What type of program should be incorporated with the meetings?

  • Would you participate in the activities of the Chapter and, if so, be willing to serve as an officer or committee member?

2. If there is sufficient interest, an organizational meeting should be held to determine objectives and to implement the following preliminary procedures:

  • Submit a chapter application with corresponding resumes of forming Board of Directors.

  • Hold a call with the AREAA National Chapter Development Committee.

The Chapter Development Committee will then review the application and make a recommendation to the National Board of Directors

3. If the chapter is approved, steps below can be taken

  • Elect officers and composition of the board according to National’s Bylaws (note that sections of the Bylaws may be adjusted to fit the needs for the chapter).

  • Bylaws should be written using the enclosed sample bylaws as a guide.

  • After the election of the new slate of officers and bylaws have been adopted, these documentation(s) should be submitted to the AREAA National Office.

  • Federal and state filing to be administered by the National Office.

    If you think that AREAA could thrive and be beneficial to your community, reach out to AREAA National Chapter and Membership Manager, Jessica Yip at to get the process started.

1. Why is there a membership dues increase?

Answer:  AREAA’s membership dues have not changed in twenty years despite costs of living going up by over 50% during that period. This change is to adjust for inflation and allow AREAA to continue to grow as the leading AANHPI trade organization.

2. How much is the dues increase?

Answer: The specific amount of the dues increase is $21 USD. The total will be $120 USD annually on 7/1. Otherwise, dues are prorated at $10/month through 6/30.

3. When does the dues increase take effect?
Answer: The dues increase will take effect at 12:00 AM PST on July 1, 2024.

4. How will the increased funds be used?

Answer: Membership dues fund National and local chapter operations. This includes National and local events, membership benefits, resources, networking, and educational content.

6. Will there be a review of the dues increase in the future?

Answer: Yes, we annually review our financial needs and the membership dues structure. Any future adjustments will be made with careful consideration and transparency, keeping the best interests of our members in mind.

7. Are there different tiers of membership available?

Answer: We do not offer tiered memberships. However, we are open to reviewing all options down the line. For consideration of our long-term members, we will offer Loyalty pricing for members set on autorenewal.

8. How do I take advantage of the Loyalty Pricing offer?

Answer: To take advantage of the Loyalty Membership rate at $99, any existing members or new sign ups must be set on autorenewal by 11:59 pm PST on 6/30/2024 with valid payment information.

  • Card information must be valid at the time of autorenewal charge. Autorenewal charges occur annually on July 1st.
  • Members are responsible for checking and maintaining their card information.
  • Members can retain this rate until further notice as long as the auto-renewal payment information is valid.
9. How do I know if I am set up on autorenewal? 


For Current/Inactive Members 
(You have an email address registered at  
- Log into your account, HERE 
- Navigate to your Profile, HERE 
- Click “Billing Info”, located in the top right corner
  Scroll down to the field “Subscription”  

How do I update my payment information for my autornrewal subscription?

  1. Log into your account, here
  2. Navigate to your Account profile
  3. Select Billing Info in the top right
  4. Check the box for “Subscription Auto renewal” 
  5. Enter your Payment information and submit
If the “Subscription” field says: “No Expiration” 

Congratulations! You are SET on autorenewal! 
Reminder: Card information must be valid at the time of autorenewal charge. Autorenewal charges occur annually on July 1st. If you are unsure if your card on file will be valid, you can update your billing info at any time or reach out to 
If the “Subscription” field says: “Expiration Date 2024-06-30" 
  You are NOT set on autorenewal 

Proceed with updating your card information, select the Subscription Auto renewal box (see below), and select process payment.  
Payment will not execute until the autorenewal date of July 1st.  

10. How can I provide feedback or express concerns?
Answer: We welcome member feedback. Please feel free to share your overall thoughts by completing this form. For immediate concerns, please reach out to or call (619) 795-7873.
11. Where can members find more information?
  • Answer: For additional information or questions, members can reach out to or call (619) 795-7873.

12. Additional Notes—

Members Paying by Check
  • We will honor the $99 rate based on the date displayed on the check upon receipt. If the date on the check is more than 15 days past July 1st, the check may be returned, and the new rate of $120 will apply.
Members with Failed Payment Profile Transactions
  • Members with an active payment profile whose payment failed on July 1st may still receive the $99 rate if they renew within 30 days from July 1st.
Members with Company-Sponsored Memberships
  • We will honor the $99 rate if the membership is renewed within 30 days from July 1st.

Troubleshooting Tips
Forgot your password?
Answer: To reset your password, click here. Please check the junk/spam folder if you do not see the reset email in your main inbox. Mark as an approved sender. If you do not see the email, please reach out to or call (619) 795-7873.

I do not have access to the email I registered with.
Answer: Please reach out to or call (619) 795-7873 to update your information

Thank you for looking into renewing your membership. To update billing info, please follow the below instructions.

  1. Log into your account, here
  2. Navigate to your Account profile
  3. Select Billing Info in the top right
  4. Check the box for “Subscription Auto renewal” 
  5. Enter your Payment information and submit
Memberships refunds can only be issued within 30 days after joining. To cancel and request a refund, contact us at or call us at (619)795-7873.