For years, the number one barrier that our clients have been facing across the country has been affordability. Lenders and agents that are experts in affordability offer unique value to their clients. That is why AREAA is excited to share that we will be holding our Housing Affordability Symposium in Ontario, California, on September 7th.
This event will be a one stop shop to hear from Congressional Representatives, leading developers, industry innovators, and prominent real estate professionals. Becoming an expert in affordable housing is not just a way to enhance your business, it is also an opportunity to find more ways to serve the underserved in your community.
The entire Symposium will take place at the gorgeous and modern Ontario Convention Center. Registration is only $29. Don’t miss this chance to become the best in affordability!
Welcome Address and Remarks
Norma Torres, US Congresswoman
Paul Leon, Mayor of Ontario
Jaya Dey, Freddie Mac Economist
Our attendees are welcomed by two prominent public officials. Next, the event kicks off with a State of the Market update from nationally recognized Freddie Mac economist Jaya Dey.
Wells Fargo Addresses the Audience
Event sponsors Wells Fargo discuss their initiatives and impact with regards to housing affordability.
Supply Across the Nation
Mark Dowling, CEO of Inland Valleys Association of Realtors
Fan-yu Kuo, Economist at National Association of Homebuilders
High profile representatives of real estate professionals and builders comment on national efforts to increase supply and allow their members to do business.
Enjoy snacks and refreshments as well as an opportunity to get to know your fellow attendees.
Solutions to Addressing the Affordability Crisis
Jesse Ibarra, NPHS Chief Business Officer
Vamsi Kumar Kotla, ReMo Homes, Co-Founder
Bob Martin, Lewis Group, VP Managing Director of Land Acquisition
Jennifer Hiramoto, Economic Development Director, City of Ontario
The Ontario Economic Development Team sits with a panel featuring NPHS, the Lewis Group, and alternative housing developers. Attendees will learn about different homeownership solutions to present to their clients, and how creating multiple pathways to homeownership can create affordability.
11:15AM – 12:45PM
Freddie Mac Sponsor Remarks
Keynote Session
Frederick Griefer, HUD Director, Santa Ana Homeownership Center
US Congresswoman Judy Chu
Accessible and Equitable Made Digestible
Terner Center
Freddie Mac
Final session discussing the need for greater accessibility in the housing market, and the imperative to make efforts equitable for AANHPIs.
Closing Lunch
2023 AREAA National President Kurt Nishimura gives closing remarks, thanks attendees, and a delicious lunch is served.
Registration Info
- Date September 07, 2023
- Time 7:30am-1:00pm
- Location Ontario Convention Center 2000 E Convention Center Way, CA 91764
- Cost $29.00
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